Event Details!
Ahead of the #Cop26 in Glasgow, Element47 are hosting a round table to discuss how we can fast track the transition to #netzerocarbon at a lower cost than business as usual.
The panel and round table discussion will be facilitated by Keith Hutchings who I'm sure will lighten the room and ask many tough questions.
Our CTO, Andrew Haning will be joined by Stuart Hawley of Bluerock Projects, Builder and Developer of the 2021 innovation and technology award winning DeHavilland Apartments, Perspektiv's Principal Consultant Patrick Jeannerat will also be joining Keith on the panel as a guest speaker along with Dr. Brad Pettitt MLC who will be discussing his recently submitted climate bill to the WA parliament calling for a science based #netzero carbon target.
Learn more about the event and how to get your FREE
tickets here: http://ow.ly/OAav50GsRIW
Please RSVP For Catering purposes